Bible du Semeur en Français

Containing the best Bible du Semeur en Français Gratuit. Also available with audio bible version and a daily bible verse to give you strength and inspiration every day. This Biblica translation of the Entire Bible is for the French language; an estimated 124,000,000 people speak this language as their mother tongue. This translation uses a informal language style and applies a meaning-based translation philosophy. It is translated from the Biblical languages and was completed in June 1999. This android app is free for download and is recommended to use it online with few sections who can be available offline. Include both old and new testaments with all books. Enjoy every day the Bible du Semeur for free on your phone or tablet!

La Bible du semeur est une nouvelle traduction de la Bible en français dirigée par le bibliste Alfred Kuen. Son objectif affiché était d'élaborer une version de la Bible en français du xxe siècle adaptée à la compréhension du plus grand nombre et d'orientation protestante évangélique traditionnelle.